I have a complaint. What should I do?
If you are our client and wish to complain about Paynetics AD services and/or products, we recommend reaching out first to [email protected] .
At your own discretion you may reach out directly to Paynetics AD via post or email, as follows:
Paynetics AD:
76A James Bourchier, Sofia, Bulgaria;
[email protected]
Your complaint will be reviewed, and a response will normally be provided to you within 15 business days as of receipt of your complaint.
In the unlikely event that you do not receive a response within 15 business days or if our decision does not satisfy you, you have the right to refer the matter to the attention of the Conciliation Commission on Payment Disputes (“CCPD”), which is part of the Bulgarian Consumer Protection Commission. Additional information regarding the CCPD and the conditions to bring an issue to its attention can be found on the CCPD’s website https://abanksb.bg/pkps/, as well as by reaching out to CCPD’s Secretariat: 1 Vrabcha Str, fl. 4, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria; tel. +359 2 933 05 77; fax +359 2 988 42 18.